The fearless blond leader slid down from her post in the tree. All her people rebuilt solid walls around and by the trees. Already they had several small huts, but not enough.
      "Trespassers! Guards, come with me! Don't forget the priestess!" she announced. Some of the workers grabbed weaponry and light armor, following her out. Marching to meet the group the blue topped priestess caught up with them.
      "What's wrong lady?" she asked softly.
      "We have a group of people headed straight for us." She answered, "Just a few more yards ahead, stay quiet."
      Her troops knowledgeably spread out. Taking a breath she rolled through the bushes, coming up in front of the surprised group with sword in hand.
      "Stay right... you again?!" she stopped.
      "Syiera!" Prism paused.
      "Ariana!" Emeryl waved at the priestess behind her. Leiko snarled at her, clinging to Emeryl.
      "What are you doing here?" Prism and Syiera asked in unison.
      "That's a good question. Why don't you come to our new town and we'll figure it out." Ariana offered.
      "Sounds great. Let's go Prism!" Emeryl grinned.

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