"And then there were five..." Blake mumbled as Prism explained the plan to everyone.
      "We're coming back for her later. Anyway, we should head for the base of the mountain. We shouldn't have to do much climbing today." He clarified.
      "I'm still sore from yesterday." Emeryl groaned.
      "We're just walking today. Let's go, I don't want to waste anymore time." Prism answered.
      "So, your last name is Tekutsu?" Blake peered at Emeryl.
      "Well, yes it is. Why, what's yours?" Emeryl asked.
      "Like hell if I'm going to tell you..." Blake wrinkled his nose.
      "Well, what's your father's name?" he asked.
      "It wouldn't matter. I don't claim anything of my father's. I go by the name my mother gave me and that's all." He answered.
      "Ne... well..." he was interrupted before he could complete the thought.
      "Hurry up you two! You're lagging behind!" Eric called.
      With another glance at each other Blake and Emeryl trotted after the group.

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