"Now, red dragons breath fire. We'll be near a waterfall. I figure, Emeryl can freeze the dragon inside, I can get Eric inside, Bentora, you'll be the distraction, and Leiko will keep watch for any other monsters." Blake pointed out spots on the map with a dirk.
      "Well, maybe... I don't know if I can freeze that much water." Emeryl nervously answered.
      "Need anything?" the young barkeeper came to their table, cloth covering his shoulder.
      "No, just an ale." Blake slid him a gold piece.
      He nodded, accepting the gold, "Strange folk tonight."
      "You think we should chance it? I mean, what if Emeryl can't pull it off?" Eric asked. The barkeep idled by the table a moment longer before going back behind the counter.
      "Besides, who made you in charge?" Bentora leaned forward on the table.
      "I did! I'm the oldest, I've accomplished the most and I'm the smartest. You have a problem?" Blake challenged her.
      "Yes I have a problem, you're also the one who wouldn't mind us all dying!" she snarled.
      "Oh, shut up. If I wanted to sacrifice you to a dragon I'd make sure I had a way out." He retorted.
      "Please, not this... fighting won't get us anywhere..." Emeryl meekly interjected.
      "He's right, calm down." Eric agreed.
      "We're planning this too early. Let's wait until we get to Trask?" Emeryl suggested. A hand slapped an ale on the table in front of Blake.
      "Fine, you all go to bed. I'm going to stay up awhile longer." He placed the map in front of himself.
      Bentora and Eric slipped away. Quietly Emeryl hopped out of the chair with staff in hand.
      "Good night Blake." He said softly, stretching as he walked down the hall.
      Twitching his ear he glanced at the white fluff on his shoulder.
      "He's a little freak, eh demon?" Blake sighed.

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