"This way!" Bentora skirted the area then waved them over. The group crawled after her. She was the only one who could keep up with the spider and had the best eyes to spot it in the early evening. Eric stubbornly kept on her heels while the rest of the group endeavored to stay right behind him.
      "This better be the right way." Blake mumbled.
      "Don't complain unless you have a better idea." Prism panted.
      "Look, look! It's a cave! Up there!" Emeryl struggled next to them. Painfully he drudged up the rocky slope with help from a thorny branch.
      While they waited for the others to catch up Eric searched the entrance. It rose about fifteen feet above his head, with a very small rock balcony that could be used for landing.
      "Hello?" he shouted. His own quiet echo returned.
      "We need a better light. Wait for the wizard." Bentora rested on the ground. The spider crawled around and up the walls naturally.
      First to join them was Blake, shoving his unkempt raven hair back into place. Boasting his prowess he lit the cave with an eerie red light before Prism had the chance. From the entrance the red light sparkled off something inside, but they paused for the others before continuing.
      A wingspan of light beige overshadowed them. Glancing up at the large mass blocking the sun, Blake and Bentora leapt to one side while Eric went to the other. Whipping along a scaly tail behind it the dragon glided to a land halfway on the balcony halfway inside the cave. With a roar she twirled to face Blake and Bentora. Her wild tail nearly swept Eric off his feet as he struggled to dodge it.
      Two dark brown eyes lowered to meet them, rounding off the tip of her angular face. Uselessly, Blake drew a dagger from his boot and stood his ground in front.
      "Intruders!" she bellowed at them. Her long body was close to four times their length, easily letting her stretch across the cave.
      "We're not intruders!" Bentora snapped back.
      "Wait! Wait!"
      Her head spun to see the half elf and a few others peeking above the balcony edge. This startling movement nearly knocked Prism off the ledge, but Prism wearily climbed up.
      "Sela, these are friends of mine." He panted. She stared at him quizzically for a moment.
      "Prism? What are you doing here? I haven't seen you for years." She skeptically and curiously pondered.
      "I know, but we needed some help." He held up his hand to signal he needed a moment to breathe. Blake also took this time to sheath his weapon.
      "Where's Alan? You never went anywhere without him shoving you along. You never did visit. This isn't exactly half elf country either." She calmly inspected the others climbing the edge.
      "Alan's right here!" Eric voluntarily pulled out the sword. Inquisitively, she glanced at the purple topped boy and back at Prism.
      "That's Alan's younger brother, Eric. And Alan is what we're here for." Prism began, "You see, we need some information..."

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